Wednesday 28 September 2011

First Post!!!

So, I've never blogged before, and im slightly confused as to how it goes. I'm not really into followers, who follows me etc. I'm here to open up my heart, to share with whoever wants my views and thoughts.
I'm a very deep thinker! I like to think, I try not to dwell in the past though, rather the future and what tomorrow could bring. I'm all for adventure, and living life to the full. However I have ways of doing that.
I'm not a huge drinker, i'm not a clubber, I don't particularly appreciate rowdyness etc..but I do like to have fun. I enjoy chats with friends, movies, discoveries, dreaming, exploring, travelling, learning, and to me-that is much more of a life then spending it going to a club every night, throwing up from drinking and having one nighth stands.
Not many people understand this about me. Not many people get me, but thats okay because i am comfortable in who I am.
I wonder why people find the need to conform to social norms? can't we all be a bit different? have our own quirks and interests?
The world is so interesting, theres so much out there, but i feel many people are stuck in a bubble and don't look out. I want to look out, I want to see what there is to see and I want to experience this earth with the precious time I have on it.
for now, I have nothing else to add to this first little blog.

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